+44 (0)1244 579502

Excellence in Bariatric, Upper GI and General Surgery

Providing specialist surgical services to NHS, self-funding and privately insured patients

Jennifer Darrien is a highly experienced Bariatric, Upper GI and General Surgeon, who, unusually, combines very meticulous and effective surgical skills with great communication, and a warmth of care and approachability that is second to none.

She is rigorous in ensuring that her surgeries deliver great outcomes consistently whilst delivering great human understanding, empathy and support at the same time, making her almost unique.

Her patient testimonials consistently reflect both her high degree of competence and high level of care, reassurance and compassion when dealing with patients.

‘Putting Patients First’

Jennifer Darrien is a member of The Scottish Clinical Collaborative for Remote and Rural Surgery.

She contributes to the provision of General Surgical Services to areas inclusive of The Outer Hebrides and Orkney. This allows her to bring her surgical expertise to the Highlands and Islands of Scotland, benefiting the local population.  It also affords her the opportunity to enjoy the majesty of the great outdoors.

Available Treatments

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General, Benign Biliary & Upper GI Surgery

Miss Darrien provides General, Benign Biliary and Upper GI Surgery to NHS, Self-Funding and Private Patients at Grosvenor Nuffiled Hospital, Chester.

More info >
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Bariatric Surgery

Miss Darrien provides Bariatric Surgery Services to Self-Funding and NHS Patients at Phoenix Health.

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Jennifer’s background

Miss Darrien qualified from the University of Glasgow in 2003 with a ‘Bachelor of Medicine & Surgery’, (MBChB) and ‘Masters in Science’, (MSc) degree. She spent 10 years training in general, upper gastrointestinal, benign biliary and bariatric surgery in Scotland’s leading hospitals, (Edinburgh & Glasgow). She completed a post-graduate ‘Masters in Surgery’, (ChM) with the University of Edinburgh and obtained her Membership & Fellowship with the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow (MRCS/FRCS).

Miss Darrien was awarded a Royal College of Surgeons of England approved Bariatric Surgery Fellowship at both University College London Hospital and NHS Northumbria. She has held substantive Consultant Bariatric/UGI and General Surgery posts in both NHS Scotland and England, (University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust).

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Patient Testimonials

“Miss Darrien was outstanding. She put me at ease and the aftercare was amazing”


“My surgeon, Jennifer Darrien and her team are literally some of the best people in the business”


“Jennifer Darrien instantly put me at ease with a friendly smile, genuine care and compassion”


“Cannot recommend Miss Darrien highly enough. Professional, caring and genuine. A real credit to the profession & Phoenix”
