Site Investigation & Land Quality Assessment

Site Investigation & Land Quality Assessment

Understanding ground conditions is important for the design of roads, infrastructure and building foundations. Where sites have been previously developed and suffer from land contamination, it is especially important that the risks to future occupants of the site are understood and managed appropriately. This is where a land quality assessment is required.

The approach to land quality assessment is normally phased. The first phase is to prepare a Desk Study also called a Preliminary Risk Assessment (PRA) or Phase 1. This work is required to establish the site history and identify areas of concern, such as soft ground or potential contaminative land uses and the risks to future occupants of the site.

The desk study is used to inform and aid the design of a Site Investigation, sometime called a Phase 2. A site investigation comprises obtaining soil samples using a drill rig to complete boreholes or an excavator to complete trial pits. Installation of groundwater and ground gas monitoring equipment is usually undertaken in boreholes.

At Redstart, our experienced geo-environmental consultants complete site investigations & land quality assessments. Redstart attends site to assess the soil and take samples. The samples taken are submitted to an accredited laboratory for chemical and geotechnical analysis. We also undertake various monitoring works, for example, as assessment of ground gas. The results of the site investigation are written up in a land quality assessment report.

If the site is contaminated or requires some preparatory works ahead of construction, a remediation strategy may be required. Redstart can prepare a remediation strategy including an earthworks engineering specification and liaise with the regulator to ensure that it meets planning requirements.

Site inspections

In order to ensure the remediation works are completed in accordance with the strategy and specification, Restart consultants attend site to sample and validate the remediation and earthworks by field testing and via independent accredited laboratory testing. We also complete site inspections during construction to ensure soils and any gas protection measures in gardens have been place correctly. The results of the inspections are then written up in a completion report sometimes referred to as a verification report. This document is commonly used to discharge planning or NHBC land quality conditions.

Our team of geo-environmental consultants undertake desk studies, site investigations, land quality assessments, remediation strategy design and final completion verification. Ancillary services we also cover include waste but not limited to; classification and assessment of soils, environmental permitting works and preparation of a Materials Management Plan (MMP).

We will ensure your regulatory compliance. Redstart can provide these services as part of an overarching land remediation package or as individual service lines to suit your requirements.

We are Responsive, Agile and Intelligent. We are Redstart.

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+44 (0)161 260 1333

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