+44 (0)1244 579502


Jennifer’s Background

Miss Darrien qualified from the University of Glasgow in 2003 with a ‘Bachelor of Medicine & Surgery’, (MBChB) and ‘Masters in Science’, (MSc) degree. She spent 10 years training in general, upper gastrointestinal, benign biliary and bariatric surgery in Scotland’s leading hospitals, (Edinburgh & Glasgow). She completed a post-graduate ‘Masters in Surgery’, (ChM) with the University of Edinburgh and obtained her Membership & Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow (MRCS/FRCS).

Miss Darrien was awarded a Royal College of Surgeons of England approved Bariatric Surgery Fellowship at both University College London Hospital and NHS Northumbria. She has held substantive Consultant Bariatric/UGI and General Surgery posts in both NHS Scotland and England, (University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust).

Miss Darrien has worked exclusively as a Consultant Bariatric Surgeon with Phoenix Health, (Independent Providers of NHS & Private Bariatric Surgery Services to patients in the Northwest of England, North Wales, Northern Ireland, Ireland and London) for a period of 5 years. She participated in the provision of their bariatric surgery, endoscopy and radiology services.

Miss Darrien contributes to the provision of General Surgery services in Remote and Rural Scotland as part of the Scottish Clinical Collaborative for Remote and Rural Surgery.  She has enjoyed postings in both NHS Orkney & NHS Western Isles.

Miss Darrien now has a rewarding career as a Freelance Consultant Bariatric, UGI and General Consultant Surgeon affiliated with both Grosvenor Nuffield Hospital, Chester, (Nuffield Health) and Phoenix Health. This allows her to focus on patient care and the pursuit of clinical excellence.

Miss Darrien remains a member of The Royal College of Physician’s and Surgeons of Glasgow, (RGPSG) The British Obesity & Metabolic Surgery Society, (BOMSS) and The International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO). She participates actively in clinical research, (https://www.researchgate.net) and continues to teach the next generation of Bariatric Surgeons at Phoenix Health.

Miss Darrien remains an active guest speaker, panelist, and chair at both National & International Clinical Meetings. Locally she provides Continued Professional Development sessions for GPs and other health care professionals affiliated with both Nuffiled and Phoenix Health. She enjoys actively participating in patient education sessions.

Miss Darrien continues her own personal development through clinical attachments, industry supported speciality events and national and international society meetings.


Miss Darrien enjoys a range of outdoor activities in the hills of North Wales. She is an active member of OutFit Personal Fitness and The Fit Collective. She enjoys activities such as cooking and interior design. She is a former Solo Horn player with West Lothian Schools Brass Band, wining Scottish, British and European titles. She played at senior level with three Championship Section bands. Her busy surgical life prevents her from ongoing participation in competitive Brass Banding.