+44 (0)1244 579502

General, Benign Biliary & Upper GI Surgery

Miss Darrien provides General, Benign Biliary and Upper GI Surgery to NHS, Self-Funding and Private Patients at Grosvenor Nuffiled Hospital, Chester.

Clinic Times: 17:00-21:00 Thursday


Diagnostic UGI Endoscopy

Access to Ultrasound, CT and MRI at Grosvenor Nuffield Hospital, Chester

Access to PH & Manometry Studies at The Functional Gut Clinic

Diagnostic Laparoscopy


Excision biopsy skin lesion (Excluding face/anterior triangle neck): Lumps & Bumps

Inguinal Hernia Surgery: Open and Laparoscopic

Femoral Hernia Surgery: Open and Laparoscopic

Spigelian Hernia Surgery: Open and Laparoscopic

Umbilical/Para-umbilical Hernia Surgery: Open and Laparoscopic

Epigastric Hernia: Open and Laparoscopic

Incisional Hernia Surgery: Open and Laparoscopic

Component Separation Surgery: Anterior Abdominal Wall Hernias

Diagnostic Laparoscopy

Diagnostic and Therapeutic Upper GI Endoscopy

Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (Gallstones)

Laparoscopic Common Bile Duct Exploration

Laparoscopic Repair Hiatal Hernia/Paraoesophageal Hernia

Laparoscopic Anti-reflux Surgery (Fundoplication): Acid Reflux

Contact Us

For Privately insured and Self-funding patients contact Grosvenor Nuffield Hospital, Chester. Click here to book online.

For NHS patients discuss with your GP referral to Grosvenor Nuffield Hospital, Chester using the electronic Referral System (eRS). Click here for more information.

For all enquiries contact Deva Medical Practice Mgt.:


01244 579502